
PROCENTEC is 1 out of 9 accredited PROFIBUS and PROFINET Test Laboratory in the world for the certification of devices.
In our laboratory, vendors from all around the world trust us to test their products on PROFIBUS and PROFINET compatibility. Based upon the positive test reports from our laboratory, PROFIBUS & PROFINET International issues certificates for the tested devices.

PROCENTEC, your partner in PROFIBUS and PROFINET certification

A PROFIBUS or PROFINET certificate stands for the quality of a product. Many end-users only use certified products in their plants to make sure the products they work with are of high standard. For manufacturers, the cooperation with PROCENTEC’s engineers during this certification process is invaluable. During the critical testing phase you are certain to have unique and proven expertise by your side. Our engineers consult with you along the way, keeping the process transparent and sharing the knowledge we have built up over the past 20 years of performing diagnostics on industrial networks.

The tests which are executed at our PROFIBUS and PROFINET Test Laboratory are up to the latest standard as set by PROFIBUS & PROFINET International.


Test sequence

It depends on the required certificate, which tests are to be performed. For example, the most requests we receive are for a DP-V1 certificate. For this type of certificate, we have to perform all five of the tests we offer: 

Schematic check
During the schematic check we examine the lay-out of the printed circuit board (PCB).

Electrical test
During this test we check the device with an oscilloscope.

Protocol test
We examine the protocols on the device, we generate errors and check if the device does what it is programmed to do.

GSD file check
We check the protocol information on the GSD file.

Multi-vendor test
With this test we check the device’s behavior in a network with devices from other manufactures.

Test Request

Please fill in this form and we will send you a test contract and other information.

Example: ET200S
Example: Remote I/O on DP